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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.164
816 - Pescara & Giulianova

Roberto Zaccolo

Ciao, Io mi chiamo Roberto e sono interessato a conoscere qualcuno in Italia. Io abbito in Canada. La mia mamma e nata in Abruzzo. Scrivami al piu presto, ciao Roberto

817 - Family history

Nick Angellotti

The Angellotti's are from Rocca San Giovanni Prov. of Chieti in Abbruzzo. Would like to talk to anyone with similar family backgrounds. Viva Abruzzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

818 - beautiful Atri

Franco Cichella

I am a frequent traveler to Atri, Provincia di Teramo. My father's family emigrated from there circa 1912. My mother's family is from nearby village Cellino Attanasio. I wish to establish Email contact with anyone from Atri region, either residing there, or anywhere in Italy, Europe, or USA.

819 - Montorio al Vomano

Diana Pantalone

Any family or friends of Feretti or Zuccarini families. I just want to find any family or friends on-line.

820 - geneology

Michael A. Santarini

Hello, I am not sure this is the correct forum, however I am posting a message on this site because I am trying to find out more about my ancestry in Northern Italy. I am a third-generation Italian-American living in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA. All I know about my ancestry is that my great-grandfather lived in a village called Fivizzano (??) near Masa-Carrara in Tuscany. Does anyone know of a good source to trace Italian ancestry? Thank you, Michael

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