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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.124
616 - Villlage of Vittorito, Aquila

John DiGiambattista

John DiGiambattistaMy father's family, Di Giambattista - Saccoccia left Vittorito in 1917 and sailed to Boston. I am interested in learning more about the Province of Aquila and communicating with any one who may be familiar with the history and background of this area.

617 - Monteferrante (provincia di Chieti)

Maria Francesca Buontempo

Cari Amici, My particular interest in Abruzzo is the town of Monteferrante, mainly because it is where my parents were born and raised aand a place I visit every summer. I would appreciate any information at all that has been written, etc., about the town's history and it's people. In particular, I also would like to know if anyone has the name of a cookbook (I once saw in Boston) printed here in the United States with Abruzzesi di shes, and with a picture of Monteferrante on the front, I've been trying to find it for two years, with no success (I didn't buy it at the time because I didn't have money on me at the time). I would appreciate any help anyone could give me on this. A presto!

618 - Jeanne D'Onofrio

619 - My ancestors are from this region

Anthony Crisi

My father, his brother, and three sisters and their parents were born in Province L'Aquila, in the town or Ripa. My mother's parents had lived in Giulianova, Province of Teramo, region of Abruzzo. I do not know where they lived, what church, if any, they attended. I have no birth, baptismal, or marriage records of them. I have been trying to find out the name of the Diocese or place where the church archives are located to make inquiry of any records. of my maternal grandparents. I have exhausted all sources here in the USA, including the Diocesan archives of the City of Pittsburgh and Aliquippa, PA where they had once resided. I know where they are buried in the Aliquippa, PA and have dates of birth and death but no source for baptismal or marriage records. I exhausted all sources for these records here in USA. There are no known records. It is not known if they were married before they entered the USA It is not known in what Church or Diocese in Italy they resided in. I have a complete genealogy of my father and his father, etc.

620 - Lamanda & Pelliccott Families

Lisa Crowe-Lamanda

My grandfather Egidio Lamanda was born in Palmoli, Prov. Chiet, Abruzzo in 1889. He was the son of Luigi Lamanda and Angela Maria Pelliccotta. Luigi was born in circa 1852, he was the son of Nicola Lamanda and Leondina Berardi. Angela Maria was born in 1866, daughter of Achille Pelliccotta and Antonia Fabrizio of Dogliola, Prov. Chieti, Abruzzo. Would love to hear from anyone who has a connection to my family or these surnames. Please e-mail me at Cranes@webtv.net. Thank you. Lisa

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