251 - AbruzzoMio: Federico/Presutti/Pinciaro/DelMonico family members 1999-07-19
Tina Federico Di Blasi
Medford, MA, USA
My family comes from a small mountain side village -Valle Larga, Pettorano Sul Gizio, Prov. Aquila, in Abruzzo. My grandparents were Velia Presutti and Erminio Federico, and Panfilo Federico and Domenica Pinciaro. My mother also has a brother whose named
Iam interested in finding the coat of arms or symbol of some sort that defines Abruzzi. I have found Chieti in which there is a boar with trimming around it. If you could e-mail me this or point me in the right direction i will be greatly appreciative tha
I saw this site and I thought it was interesting. My father is from Prezza, which is near Sulmona and Pratola Peligna. I noticed there was a few of you from the same place. Feel free to e-mail me anytime! I'd love to meet people from the same town after a
I'm looking for info on Tocco Casauria. There was a castle there mentioned in info I found regarding the Duchi di Tocco, which included a Francisco Pinelli who was a govenor. This was in early 1800's or before. Looking for information on any Pinelli that
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