487 - AbruzzoMio: Sulmona & my family tree 1999-07-19
Marisa Facchini
I would like info about tips in researching my family tree (from Sulmona) in Italy and the USA. Also, if there is any English language publications about the history of the area and the dialects-- I would love to know.
I am trying to find any information about my grandfather. His name was Paul Abruzzo I think he came from Abruzzi, he married my grandmother who's name was Vinzenza.Please E-Mail if you have any information it would be appreciated.
I am 42 and live in California. I don't know anything about my heritage. I have seen my surname linked to Abruzzi. Does anyone know any Capulli's in Abruzzi?
My paternal grandparents are from Bussi sul Tirino (Carmine DiTommaso) and Ofena (Maria Alleva) and my maternal grandparents are from Cologna Paese (Francesco DiStefano and Rosa Cagnani).. I'd like to hear from anyone familiar with these names in relation to these towns. I'd also like to hear from anyone who has done any mountain climbing in the Gran Sasso. Thanks.
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