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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.152
756 - Geneology

Annette DeFedericis Blanchard

My grandfather, Mario DeFedericis was born in Abruzzi. He left either in 1914 or 1916 to Philadelphia, PA, USA. His Mothers name was Rita Catlena. He had 5 brothers and 3 sisters. The names I know are Pia, Sophia, Luigi, Quintello. I am trying to research my family tree, and would like to establish contact with my many cousins. Thanks. Annette Blanchard (nee DeFedericis and proud of it)

757 - Sulmona and Pratola

Esther Prunella

Very happy to find this site. My father, Salvador DePillo immigrated from Pratola to Pennsylvania in the early 1900's. My mother's family, Mastrangelo and Centofanti, came from Sulmona. They all ended up in the Youngstown, Ohio area. My sister and I are planning a trip to the Abbruzzi region next year to locate family. Would appreciate any help.

758 - Gamberale, Castel di Sangro, Ateleta

Gino Conicella

Hello. I am interested in finding more about my family name. (Conicella). Is there anyone out there that has any information on other individuals with the Conicella family name, ie, e-mail address. I would also like to talk to any one else from this region of Abruzzo, Italy

759 - Family History

Carol Weston

My great frandfather, Archangelo DiCrescenzo was born in Guardiagrele. He married Brigetta Salome and at some point in time they moved to Gessopalena, where my grandfather Nicola Di Crescenzo was born. My grandfather had two brothers, Archangelo and Umberto. Umberto came to the US in the 1950's. My grandfather came to America in the early 1900's. He settle in a small town, Lambertville, NJ where he met my grandmother, Clorinda DiTieri who was born in Gissi. If ther are any members of the DiCrescenzo or DiTieri families living in any of these towns, I would love to correspond with them. Thank you. Carol

760 - To meet people

B. Walker

I have an intrest in travelling and meeting people from other places. The natural beauty of places intrigues me. But meeting people from these wonderful places adds a special beauty to the experience.

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