My maternal nonna came to the US from Popoli-Vittoria in the early 1900s. I still have various relatives there. I would be happy to hear from anyone with relatives from the same town.
Summer 1997 I do want to visit the park. Looking for wolftrails . Camping with little tent . 3persons, man, wife and child (9 years old). In holland we are owners/boarding a wolf shelter for homekept wolves. last year we visit park maritime. when possible please send maps or edresses to get them. Even like to find adresses/library of nature / wolves from abruzzo. Thanks . Yours, Theo van Hilst
My great grandmother's name was Suzanne (Susan) Visconti from L'Aquila. She married Nunzio Cardellino and finally settled in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA. I am interested in finding Visconti and Cardellino descendents in L'Aquila and learning about L'Aquila
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